Top Stories
1. Diploma-gate
The Board retained the wording "the year of Our Lord" on the diploma. Thumbs up to ASR for being strong allies to the Diversity Connection and to the faculty for teachable moments. Thumbs-down to mean people.
The Board retained the wording "the year of Our Lord" on the diploma. Thumbs up to ASR for being strong allies to the Diversity Connection and to the faculty for teachable moments. Thumbs-down to mean people.
Honorable mention: The diploma issue kept many from noticing the new Muslim Prayer room in the Chapel. Can't we all just get along?
2. Dennis
Not sucking up, but only a national story could top the announcement of the appointment of new President Dennis Ahlburg. The phrase "Let me take a year and get the lay of the land" is not in his Australian vocabulary. Thumbs up for hitting the ground running and for fun intros of distinguished lecturers.
Not sucking up, but only a national story could top the announcement of the appointment of new President Dennis Ahlburg. The phrase "Let me take a year and get the lay of the land" is not in his Australian vocabulary. Thumbs up for hitting the ground running and for fun intros of distinguished lecturers.
3. A little off the top
Losing VP Felicia Lee, Academic up-and-coming el-wunderkind Jorge Gonzalez, and diversity queen Ankita Rakhe serious blows. Some heart and soul drained off to California of all places. I blame Katie Storey for starting this. Two more VPs retire. Sadness for the losses. Excitement over changes...
4. ASR
New constitution, new funding power, and reconciling hookah and tobacco.

Condi Rice - Surprise entry: charming, funny, articulate... Presidential
Miller renovation
Twilight at Trinity Senior Banquet
Res Life: Block housing, off-campus petitions
New TU Web page
As always: Idol. Spotlight. LX salsa tasting. Hot. Hot. Hot.
Welcome Week Concert - Anyone remembered who played?
Welcome Week Concert - Anyone remembered who played?
High def - Never happened in the dorms...
California (see #3 above)
Linking to your own blog in your own blog... Shameless.
Under the Radar
Capital Campaign - $200 million... ho hum
$1.6 million High def Tiger TV - Great toys!
Joint Statement - So much can mean so little
Friedman and Musharraf - Good stuff
ASR first year senators
ASB - It means Alternative Spring Breaks!
Gaelic Cultural Society - First diversity organizational award winner
Gaelic Cultural Society - First diversity organizational award winner
On the Horizon
Food service improvements
Greek Life relationship building
Lair or Paws - Something is changing this summer
Science building - Take two
Calvert Ghosts exorcised - Renovation planned
The Gaelic Cultural Society has finally hit the big time--we're on the Dean's blog!
Geology club wins "Emerging Student Organization of the Year" and club of the year from the yearbook in its first year of existence.
Bringing Haitian soccer team to Trinity was definitely a biggie. Had never seen so many people for an event at Trinity.
Athletics Department should plan something big like this in the future too
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