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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Glad Scientists

Storch Hall (above) undergoes renovation in the first phase of the exciting science building renovation plan. In phase one, Sociology and Anthropology are being permanently moved to Storch. Other phase one work this summer includes adding a classroom to the Chapel and renovating the Chapman Auditorium (see photo) in preparation for shutting down Cobb-Racy/Science Lecture Hall. Plans are underway for phase two, which will bring a new building to the southwest of Cowles. This building will feature lab space and classrooms for biology, chemistry, and biochemistry as well as student gathering spaces. Phase three will include a renovation of Cowles Hall and phase four a replacement of Moody Hall. There are implications for Halsell Hall as well, which will lose Computer Science to the new project.

This project, still awaiting final approval and long-term funding, will do for the sciences what the Dicke-Smith renovation did for art and music. Central to the renovation is the concept of "interdisciplinarity" which will create "effective collisions" in the sciences. This all according to Biology professor David Ribble, who, with Diane Smith in Geo sciences and John Greene in Physical Plant, are spear-heading the long range project with faculty representatives from other departments. Creating synergy between Chemistry and Biology, as well as with the growing Neuroscience program, and developing facilities for Psychology, Computer Science, and Engineering, this LEEDS project will create amazing teaching and learning opportunities for professors and students.

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