This volunteer band is the perfect example of how something works when it is homegrown. Students saw a need and they organized themselves and by all appearances are having a blast. (They even enlisted ParentTalkers to put the word out on their listserv to notify students.) As football has wrapped up they are now setting their sights on the TU basketball season.
The previous "official" band that was part of the Music department was good, but numbers dwindled to the point of extinction. Eventually, someone in Athletics creatively brought in the Alamo City Community Marching Band, a local band of grown-ups to play at games. I loved this band, though it was a little embarrassing for our school pep band to be, well, old. But it was campy - and you can't argue with that. Unless you are the opposing team. Then you can make fun of our campy band.
Trinity has some nice traditions, but the ones that stick are the ones that come from students: Calvert ghosts, birthdays in the fountain, the Trinitones and Aca Bellas. Hopefully this new one sticks. If not? We always have the Alamo City Community Band.
I love the stand band!
They should come to the soccer game too.
Cool blog you got here. I'd like to read a bit more concerning this theme. The only thing it would also be great to see here is a few photos of any devices.
Katherine Trider
Cell phone blocker
Swashbucklers were a campus tradition...
Still are!
Brings back memories of my days at TU, when there was also no school-sponsored band presence at games. Evin Planto '80 organized a student band that played at football and basketball games for a couple of years. We even went out on the field at the half a couple of times, once for a "Tribute to the Texas Open" ... Evin swinging his drum major baton (found in a closet somewhere) like a golf club. Unlike the current band, we were terrible, but we had a good time.
After Evin graduated the school took the band over and it died a sudden death a week or two into the season. Glad to see (and hear) the new student-run band and hope they will be around for a long time.
I had heard that Calvert ghosts is a prime example of: Hazing, Sexual misconduct, Sexual harassment, Respect for the self, others, and community. I would hope that any individual who partakes in this event would be subject to immediate and serious discipline, up to and including expulsion from the University. The administration at the uiversity I know and love would never condone and promote this kind of immature and disgusting behavior while at the same time punishing other groups on campus for less invasive acts.
Greeks didn't even do anything as extreme as Calvert ghosts do...and look who gets kicked off campus for three years.
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