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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Lee-ding Off

Dr. Felicia Lee, VP for Student Affairs delivered a rousing welcome speech to new students on Saturday, August 22 in Laurie Auditorium. The talk, using references to Harry Potter, Twilight, and Mountains Beyond Mountains challenged students to choose love over lust in how they approached their relationships with one another and the University over the next four years.

This was the first time all of the students were gathered together sans family members. Check out the slide shows at right showing pictures of students and family members at the closing breakfast on Saturday morning.

A second slide show gives a sense of the flavor of the Team Trinity move-in crew. Below, the group is iin full attack mode, descending on a vehicle, piranha-style: Picking it clean to welcome a new student by carrying items up to the room in one energized swoop.


Unknown said...

I vividly remember the speech Dr. Lee had delivered to our Class of 2012. It was very motivating and one igniting ambition.

David Tuttle said...

I always tell her she is my Obama.