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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sophomore Hijinx

Sophomore College residents play human foosball, above, upon their return to campus in August. The inflatable game was part of a welcome back barbecue, below left, and block party on the Prassel lawn. Students received SoCol t-shirts and nearly 300 took time to meet up with friends as part of their enthusiastic return to campus.

Below, Sophomore College Residential Life Coordinator Cally Chenault, speaks to the second-year class in front of Prassel Hall on Monday, as part of the Sophomore conference. She was joined by Class Marshal Angela Breidenstein and Alumni Sponsor Dave Mansen as well as Career Services Director Brian Hirsch. The brief talks to about 300 students were focused on educational and career preparation, making connections, and getting the most out of year two on campus.

Sophomore College was designed to instill community spirit into the second year for our students. Residents are housed together in North, Prassel, and Thomas Halls. This is the second full year of the program.

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