Mike Schweitzer from Physical Plant
orchestrated the
installation of this fab new seating area outside of the Witt Reception Center, a common meeting place for students who are heading off-campus for service events, retreats, and other activities. This is just one change our returning students will notice when they come back in August. Other changes include phase one of the science building project and a completely renovated Miller Hall.
Additional changes include:
- Phase one of the
science building project- A completely renovated
Miller residence hall- Swanky new lunge furniture on the
Prassel Hall third floor patio
- New furniture and game equipment in the North/South Foyer and study room
- Printers in the Thomas and
Beze Hall computer labs (in the residence halls). Note that this is happening in part because of the nagging of
ASR Senator Danielle
The seating outside Witts looks very nice. Students will appreciate creativity and initiation effort of Mike. It would be nice to see such arrangements at other areas of the campus too.
This summer, I had a chance to visit several colleges/universities. Obviously, I did compare them to Trinity and Trinity stood well even before the Ivies here in the NorthEast.
Among things that could be improved, I thought, was placement of some similar arrangements around Trinity campus so that people could sit out in the open in groups and have a nice conversation or eat something together. I am pretty sure you have arrangements where there is a big umbrella shaped structure providing shade to other chairs/benches placed in a rounded fashion around it.
One of the ideal locations to place it would be around Magic stones. There is one near the library, but it does not have any thing to provide shade. Should not be a very expensive venture. But I'm sure it would be appreciated by students and would add some beauty to Trinity campus.
You will be glad to know that we added a new area on the Prassel third floor patio (shaded), and if it is well received we will do the same in McLean next year, pending approval. Additionally, the new science building will feature several spots as you describe in a central campus location. I was at St. Ed's in Austin this spring and noticed they have many spaces (and snack areas) as you describe. I'm glad you thought we compared favorably to other schools. I always look at campuses the same way.
What a great idea! =]
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