Presidential Search Committee continues to meet over the summer to identify the next Trinity President. The committee has trustee, faculty, alumni, staff, and student
representatives. Check the
Presidential Search web page for regular updates. The
most recent update was posted by Trustee and Search Committee Chair, J.R.
Hurd on July 2.
I love the show the "search" committee puts on. Making people on campus think their input counts. I shouldn't even have to mention Hurd's bs, it's apparent enough in the email he sends out. I even replied this past semester, and neither he nor the President's Office responded. This process is a joke, from the way it is run to the people who run it.
I really kind of appreciate your willingness to consistently express your opinion, even though I don't often agree with you. If you are looking for people to engage you about NOT developing a diverse candidate pool then no, you won't get a lot of responses from people.
Mr. Hurd runs a helluva process and knows what he is doing. The search committee has sure spent a lot of volunteer time to put on the "show" as you call it. Give us some credit. Let's just see what happens. Hopefully the process brings us a president we can all embrace.
Mr. Dean,
Kicker here.
Listen you can stop the search for the President of TU. I am right here and ready to go. I have an idealistic view of life, I can make a mean salsa, and I have some ridiculous side-burns. I will gladly take the job if I we can some how get leroy to sport an eye-patch and I can exchange the title "President" to "Captain," or maybe something practical like "Supreme Commander." I would also like to work out of New Orleans, or at the very least have crawfish daily at the Home-Zone station in the cafeteria.
Seriously though good luck with the search...To be honest they should consider you.
The Search Committee, I believe is aware that the whole Trinity community, including Trinity students have bestowed upon them a very responsible task. The decisions they will make to appoint the president will have very big impact on Trinity's development and student's life at Trinity.
As an international student, I am deeply concerned over whether or not the new president would be equally excited to promote diversity on campus. I hope he would not cut back on existing international scholarships to foreign students (without which they can not attend Trinity). During the term of President Brazil, Trinity has been extraordinarily generous to international students.
I hope the case would be same or even better with the new president.
We are definitely looking at candidates who all show an appreciation not only for international students, but for the importance of leading us in a global society.
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