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Monday, July 13, 2015

Pizza and Pleasure Redux

In January 2014 I wrote about some push back to the Trinity Pizza & Pleasure program. This series offers sex education and pizza (as an incentive to draw attendance). Briefly, some (mostly parents - and not many) objected that the series seemed to emphasize promiscuity and there was no forum for alternatives. Program architect Dr. Richard Reams agreed to add some different topics. Here is the lineup and attendance figures from 2014-2015:
  • Getting What You Want from Sex (Sept. 18; 60 attendees) Presented by Cay Crow.
  • Getting What You Want from Abstinence (Sept. 25; 22 attendees) Presented by Ms. Crow.
  • Body Image and Sexuality (Oct. 2; 20 attendees) Presented by Ms. Crow.
  • Sexual Orientation and Identity (Oct 9; 22 attendees) Presented by Dr. Richard Reams.
  • The Secrets of Love (Jan 22; 33 attendees) Presented by Dr. Erin Sumner.
  • The Secrets of Dating (Jan 29; 32 attendees) Presented by Dr. Sumner.
  • The Secrets of Men’s & Women’s Sexuality (Feb. 5, 13 attendees) Presented by Ms. Crow.
  • ‘Kinky’ Sexuality and Relationships (Feb. 12; 20 attendees) Presented by Ms. Crow and guest.
I wanted to review how the new programs were received. Dr. Reams, a master of assessment, has submitted his results, and they were quite positive. In his report, he states:

The three new sessions (Getting What You Want from Sex, Secrets of Love, Secrets of Dating) were the most highly attended and are definitely worth continuing to put into the annual rotation of topics.  Attendees generated new topics that are worthy of consideration for the 2015-16 P&P series: distinguishing between healthy and unhealthy relationships, addressing myths about sexuality, same-sex dating and relationships, and recovering from a relationship breakup. 

Additionally, some of the post-program survey comments on the abstinence program noted ways in which the program was meaningful:

Knowing that "Not being emotionally ready [for sex] is normal"

Talk to your partner about boundaries
It helped me understand that I am not alone
It helped me feel better about my choice

The changes were covered in the Trinitonian in February and it seems that Dr. Erin Sumner is an excellent program addition.

I should note that in the original post I discussed bringing Wendy Shalit to campus to speak on these topics. We decided to first see what we could do internally before going to the expense. The programs we offer likely don't justify increased costs on a per person basis. Our experts do great work anyways. Based on the assessment we will continue these programs in-house.

Some lessons learned or reinforced:

- Nearly everything we do is about education. This series has been an excellent and growing program for five years. Regardless of the topics, messages of safer sex and respect are consistent themes.
- Sometimes we don't know everything. The suggestions from parents about a better-balanced program, once implemented, enhanced the program.
- Dr. Reams, his colleague Dr. Amy Stone, the presenters, and the departments that sponsor this series have cobbled together a great program in the absence of a sexual education course on campus.
- Assessment is important in determining whether or not our programs are effective and if they contribute to student learning. Kudos to Dr. Reams and others who have lead the way in program assessment on campus.

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