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Rick and me at student move-in this year. |
It takes a special person to be my friend. Just ask Rick Roberts. He is the kind of guy who would give you the shirt off his back. Me? Not so much. I am more of a germ-o--phobe. I have in fact loaned Rick running gear, at his request, but I never give him my best stuff... because I would never feel right wearing it again.
The last few months have been difficult for me. I have been losing many of my best Trinity guy friends. I have known Rick for a long time. He and his wife, Dacia, are godparents to my daughter Kellyn. Rick and I have logged a lot of running miles together and he is a great listener. He is going to Texas Lutheran University to be their vice president for advancement. He deserves it. But... personal wing man: Gone.
Raphael Moffett WAS the director of Campus & Community Involvement here. He was actually the first to go. One day in August he told me we needed to talk about this great opportunity he had to be a vice president. I tried to make my pitch to keep him but I never had a chance. He had already taken the job. He skipped being a Dean of Students and went right to VP for Student Affairs at Langston University in Oklahoma. Raphael was becoming my go-to guy in Student Affairs. He was also becoming a close friend. But for the sake of scoring... professional wing man: Gone.
Ben Newhouse skipped a step too. He was slated to take over Raphael Moffett's position, but instead took the Dean of Students position at Birmingham Southern College in Alabama. He was actually stolen by a good colleague (and now FORMER friend), Dave Eberhardt. Ben has been here twice now, professionally. You really should only leave Trinity once. But I can't begrudge Ben his decision either, though I do. He will be a great Dean of Students and that was evident this week hearing students speak about him at his farewell reception. He is my combo guy (personal and professional): Gone.
Losing Rick and Raphael is especially tough for another reason. They were key members of our "The Administrators" basketball team. Mark Detterick also left this summer putting us in serious rebuilding mode.
So I will respond the way any normal guy would. I will watch TV, eat chips, and stop doing laundry. Oh wait, I already do that. But I will eventually need some testosterone-based companionship. VP Chuck White and I are friends, but he doesn't know it. So he's out. Chris Ellertson, Associate Vice President for Enrollment, would be great but he works too much and has nicer clothes than me. Eric Maloof travels too much. So he's out. Soccer coach Paul McGinlay is cool, but he's British. No. This is going to take some time. Desperate times call for one thing, and one thing only -- a survey. That's right, I am taking friendship requests through Survey Monkey.
So candidates, step on up. Please take my survey! I might be a little high maintenance and somewhat self-absorbed. I don't drink, smoke, or eat meat. But I'm a lot of fun at parties. Well... at small gatherings. I am loyal. I am not needy. And for as long as the University will have me, I'm not going anywhere. I am a great catch.
I will miss you Rick, and Raph, and Ben. But someone will want me. Won't they?
Simple, you need to start hanging out with President Ahlberg. Problem solved!
Dennis? Is that you? Actually I should have noted that I didn't include my supervisors in the mix as I didn't want to seem like I was sucking UP!
Oh, Dean Tuttle. I'm sorry for your losses, but this -- especially the application form -- made me laugh out loud. Thanks!
Katy G., ex-TU librarian
It stinks when people leave. I've figured out how to combat this issue...you be the one to leave first. I've successfully been the first to leave both of my professional careers before my other favorite people did, and it made things a lot easier...on me. I know other people missed me like crazy. ;)
Here's to finding some new buddies!
Oh - and your survey made me laugh out loud. Thanks for that. :)
The Alumni Relations Office voted, and we nominate Kathy McNeill as your new friend. She lost Rick too, and she is a super fast runner.
I miss you Dave!
“Hazing is an activity {STANDARDS} that a high-status member {CCI} orders other members {GREEKS} to engage in or suggests that they engage in that in some way humbles a newcomer who lacks the power to resist, because he or she want to gain admission to a group {THE GREEK SYSTEM}." ~Stophazing.org
The {}'s are my interpretation.
Why are the Greeks forced to sit by the stones and play trivia games and water sports in order to "Earn Standards Points" in order to be allowed at your institution while your administration toots it's horn on how anti-hazing you are?
The greek council has no influence as to what these standards entail or any influence at all. However, You allow us to have this puppet court so you can say that we have a semblance of influence in policy.
Instead however, Trinity comes along every year and decides that everything has to change and that every greek must do X or Y without thinking about how little we actually gain from your "Breaking the bro-code" talks or other mandatory events. What you are doing to us is in every sense hazing. You are taking time out of my academics and life to throw me in the stockades.
Does APO or AKPsy have to do these? No. Why is that?
I know your response to this post because I have seen it before when you are faced with uncomfortable words.
"If you have a question, please come see me in my office so we can talk about it"
I want something more substantial than that because I have no want to ruin my anonymity.
Dear Anonymous,
So, I take it you won't be submitting an application...
I can NOT believe Rick Roberts is leaving you! I mean...Trinity! What a great loss for all. I love that no matter where I have lived, Rick has always made time to meet up for me or swing by to say, "hello." Just another one of those special people who made up my TU experience in college and beyond. Dave Tuttle, you know what this means? You are NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE TRINITY. EVER. :)
My name is Briana and I am the Coordinator for Fraternity & Sorority Life here at Trinity University. Dean Tuttle has asked me to respond to the comments on here about fraternity & sorority life.
In response to the post by anonymous, I would like to give some information about our system and the recent conclusion of Greek Week 2012. Greek Week was created by students for students to participate in. We loved the response and participation levels this week as it made the competition a close one. With that said, absolutely no part of Greek Week was required or even counts for standards points in any way. The events throughout the week are supposed to be fun. And most of the people I have spoken with are raving about its success.
To the comment in the third paragraph about Greek Council's influence in standards, the program is designed by students for students. CCI and other staff members fully support each decision made about the standards changes this year and congratulate our members of exec for creating a unique documentation process.
Personally, I have never been a member of APO or AKPsi to speak to their events but all of our student organizations on campus (That's over 100 groups) are held accountable for the same anti-hazing policies each year.
I am sorry your experience with Greek Week was not positive. I encourage you to come by and chat with me if you still seek clarification.
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