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Friday, October 14, 2011

Dog Tales

The Acabellas
"The Dog Days Are Over" by Florence and the Machine. Yes, I actually have this song on my iPod Shuffle. I love this iteration of the Acabellas, but what's new. The Acabellas and Trinitones are bright spots in the Trinity landscape. Everyone loves them. Woof.

Rabid Runner

This week I sent out an email rant to faculty and staff about illegal violations of the posting policy. I was trying to make it funny and mentioned that perhaps a root of the rant was that I had been bitten by a dog. Come to find out that the joke circulating among staff is to ask, "so did the dog die?" Grrrowl. I'll take it  though, because I have no choice and it is kinda funny.

So I was off on Monday and running on the Riverwalk when a nice young couple stopped me and asked for my help because a stray dog was drowning in the river and "about to go under." The man was younger and stronger looking than me, so I was was flattered that they chose me as their co-hero. Of course it was a Monday morning and no one else was around. Well, as a vegetarian, the idea of a dog drowning just hit the right nerve. I believe in animal rights, except, of course, for cats. Anyways, the guy and I leaned over to try to get the dog before he went under and the best I could do was grab his tail. The dog's I mean. What happened next was anticipated and unexpected at the same time. I remember thinking "I think this will hurt," and when it's teeth sank into my arm I thought, "eh, not as bad as I thought." This did allow me to grab the nape of the dog's neck and between the two of us we were able to pull the dog out to safe ground. It was really my fault, so I bear no ill will toward the dog.

My arm bled a lot. But a San Antonio River Authority worker helped patch me up so I could finish my run. I went to the Texas Med Clinic for a tetanus shot and was told I needed rabies shots. "What happens if you get rabies anyways" I asked the doctor. "You die." Oh. I did not know that. So eight shots and $3,500 later I have started to second guess the rescue. Especially because the River Authority guy told me they usually let the animals get REALLY tired and then use a net to help them out. Good to know as well. They have apparently pulled out a pig and a coyote and numerous dogs. No word on cats. An interesting debate between two of the workers actually escalated. Apparently one thought the dog was male and the other insisted it was female because it had lactating "teets." Hmmmm. Okay... I thought they were both right. Blood loss I guess.

A Police Officer asked if I wanted Animal Control called at the time and I said "no." I mean, imagine rescuing a dog only to have it thrown in the pound and euthanized. I could have just kept running. Anyways, two shot regimens down and two to go. And maybe some lucky puppies have their stray momma around, thanks in part to me.

Student Affairs Dog
After a couple of years of having service dogs and TSA dogs on campus for students to pet for final exam study breaks the staff is making a pitch to be a foster campus for a puppy. Katharine Martin and the Trinitonian staff will do the lion's share of the work. But the dog would stay with us for a year and be available for students to play with and borrow. It will be trained to be a drug-sniffing dog and I guess a college campus is a good place to prep for that. Former Dean Coleen Grissom used to say, "residence halls are no places for living things." During the week the dog will be either in CCI, Campus Publications, the Dean of Students Office, or maybe the Witt Center.

Preliminarily we plan on getting the dog a Twitter account and will also have walk-in(g) hours. TSA still needs to approve us to be a foster family. But we're normal. Right?


Unknown said...

Need to get Coates Library involved:

Anonymous said...

You always make me laugh. I'm glad that our daughter who is used to being around her crazy parents, has your humor on campus.

btw, great idea on the puppy!


Noelle MacGregor said...

Do it! I was so close to crossing over to the bad side and getting a puppy while I lived on campus. My roommate (not Felicia) talked me out of it.

Now that I have had a puppy (2) since college, I am SO glad that I didn't get one then. Too much work and responsibility!