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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The REAL Dean's List

Trinity University will soon be publishing a list of students who achieved "Dean's List" status this past semester. To make the Dean's List (an old reference to academic Dean's, not the good ones) a student must have a minimum 3.65 grade point average of least 15 grade-point-carrying credits. An Academic Affairs review revealed that 413 students received this distinction for the spring of 2009. This is the highest number over the past six years, in which an average of about 340 students have received the honor. What's more, the 2008-2009 Dean's List totals came in at 799 for the two semesters combined. That is 120 more students than the previous year.

So what's gotten into our students? One could assume that the faculty is a constant, and certainly wouldn't have changed enough in one year to merit the upward trend. Perhaps it is that incoming students are coming in with more academic preparation as evidenced by climbing SAT scores. Maybe it is the Obama effect. In any event, a 3.65 at Trinity is something for these students to be very proud of accomplishing. Hats off to them, their professors, and the Admissions staff.


willthornton said...

"Maybe it is the Obama effect."

trinityparent said...

Please...give the students credit, they are the ones responsible. If it was the Obama effect that 1/2 (or more) of their GPA would be redistributed to the students with failing grades so the failing students could pass..then all students would have a "C" average. I'll take the good old fashioned, "The students worked their rear ends off becuase they care" over the "let's give someone else credit who doesn't deserve it" anytime. CONGRATS to the STUDENTS. Good job by all of them

David Tuttle said...

Dear Trinity Parent,

Funny comment on Obama. The speculation in my original post was about the increase in the number of students making the Dean's List this year as opposed to the past. I assume that a constant is the hard work of the students and that they work that hard EVERY semester. So the jump is likely attributed to something else. Thanks for letting me clarify.

Unknown said...
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willthornton said...

"So the jump is likely attributed to something else."

"Drug cases were somewhat higher than the previous years. Most drug violations were related to marijuana use, which can be difficult to mask on campus, though students certainly try. "