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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Policies Tweaked for 2009-2010

In case you missed it, there were a couple noteworthy policy changes put into place for the upcoming academic year. These changes were detailed in the most recent Student Conduct Report that was distributed to the University community last month.

Alcohol Policy: Probably the biggest change is that the Alcohol Coalition decided to define hard alcohol once and for all. The general rule of thumb is that if you can buy it at HEB you can probably have it in your room, assuming you are 21 or older. Another change allows a "legal" suitemate to consume his or her alcoholic beverage in the room of suitemates who are under 21. This seems equally benign and risky, though I am not sure why. Nevertheless, a case couldn't really be made against it, so it is worth a try. It is being done to allow students more flexibility and to allow them more freedom in the area in which they live. Click here to see how our policies compare to some peer institutions.

Balcony Policy: In a nod to the environment, Residential Life will allow drying racks on private balconies next year. This may reduce heavy drawing electrical use of laundry room dryers. The policy also will allow students to have a milk crate on their balconies with their smelly stuff, such as running shoes. With freedom comes responsibility, though. Violators will no longer be warned and automatic fines will be issued for violations of the policy.


Unknown said...

These moves to accommodate students' demands and satiate those freedom loving souls by giving students more independence falsifies the notion that we students had started to inculcate after Trinity was blatantly rejecting students' recommendations one after another.

This is a very positive sign.

andinarvaez said...

We weren't supposed to leave our smelly shoes out in the balcony? Oops.

Nice moves. I think the new alcohol policy will make things a bit less tense and the balcony policy will make them a whole lot less smelly. Good luck next year!

David Tuttle said...

Well, Superman, some of the atrocities of the past were grossly exaggerated. We're on your side.
As for you Miss Andi -always nice to get your take too!

willthornton said...

How come there is not mention of the size of the milk crate in this post? Everything is so unclear.

David Tuttle said...

Nuance Will. Nuance.

David Tuttle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I received an automatic fine with two weeks to go in school for having a trash can on the balcony. I am denying that I am unfamiliar with policy, but what were automatic fines not the policy last year?

Unknown said...

I am not*

David Tuttle said...

Sorry for the late reply Austin. Warnings were not required in the past, but it was a way for staff to deal with violations with some flexibility. That has turned to practically no enforcement, which is the reason for the change.