For a small school, Trinity does have some celebrities in its bloodlines. Legend is that Barney the Dinosaur went here, sans costume, the Spurs Coyote, also attended Trinity (also sans costume), as did Senator John Cornyn, former governor John Silber, and poet Naomi Shihab-Nye. (If they have costumes that's their business.) More recently, two others with Trinity connections have paved a path to fame.
Alumnus Jerheme Urban, pictured above - lower, works with a high school receiver over the summer. If one looks closely that is an Arizona Cardinals work-out shirt. Jerheme is a wide receiver in a stable full of them for the NFL Cardinals. Jerheme and his mates, to the surprise of many, are in the NFC championship game. The team is one win a way from the Super Bowl, which would be nice, but more importantly means possibly meeting halftime* entertainer Bruce Springsteen. His (Jerheme's, not Springsteen's) path to the NFL was spotlighted in the San Antonio Express News. Jerheme is at least as good a guy as he is a football player.
Above - top, with child, (you know what I mean...) Coleen Grissom has received notoriety of late as the author of the book "A Novel approach to Life." In it, Dr. Grissom, a professor and former Dean and VP at Trinity for nearly 40 years, shares her speeches for which she is tremendously famous. Also featured in the Express News (in December), Dr. Grissom is the emcee at the San Antonio Book and Author luncheon, is a friend and mentor to the current Trinity Dean (and family), and serves others through her activities in the community, at literary functions, and in teaching various learners outside the Trinity borders.
Trinity is proud of these modern day superstars.
(*Take the poll at right to pick the song you most hope he will play - excluding his new record, slated to be released on January 27.)
really nice tribute to the wide variety of notables DT ~ my english major will have her first class with her this spring.
Im a bit sad to see that the Butthole Surfers alumni weren't mentioned. :)
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