The primary goal of the program was to help students develop healthy lifetime fitness habits. In a follow-up survey this week 92 percent reported they would continue to run in the future. Thus far, 38 of 39 respondents have reported they would participate in the program again or would attempt the full marathon next time.
The group generally trained together on weekends and in pairs or alone during the week. The program included presentations on running gear, technique, nutrition, and strength training. The bookstore on campus discounted Trinity Under Armour shirts for us to wear (and Trinity got lots of shout-outs during the race when spectators saw us). A food drive was generated as part of the program to give something back to the San Antonio community and 279 pieces were collected for the Food Bank.

On a personal note, this was one of the most positive experiences I have had as a member of the Trinity community. I really enjoyed this group. You get to know a lot about people when you spend a couple hours a week running together. They were all so nice and gracious and positive. I also appreciated the role some of my colleagues played in helping pull this off, namely Pete Kelly-Zion, Rick Roberts, and Harry Wallace. The greatest thrill of all, besides my pride in all of the runners, was completing this run with my 16-year-old son Nathan, who was participating in his first race!
1 comment:
Glad to see that the running group is still going strong!
It should also be noted that the 1st and 2nd place finishers from Texas in the full marathon were assistant TU cross country/track coach Brantley Lutz and Trinity Alum Jeremy Daum (2008), who finished 9th and 11th overall, respectively.
Coach Lutz completed the course in 2:28:43 and Jeremy ran 2:34:48, which, for those of you familiar with marathon times (and I know you are, Dean!) are RIDICULOUSLY fast!
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