Is she tiny? Is he tall? Students can find out when they return in August and meet Soisouda Inthavong (left), Coordinator for Intercultural and Diversity Relations and Erick Twyman (right), ASR Accountant. Soi will work with TDC and coordinate programs such as the MLK events and Women's History Month. With a degree from Schreiner University, Erick will work part-time to keep the books straight for ASR in its newly-constituted money-disbursing role. He will assist other sponsored organizations as well. His position is funded by ASR with money from the Student activity fee.

Lisa Steelman will serve as the new Residential Life Coordinator for part of the first-year area with returning Coordinator Lily Gonzalez. Mark Barker will oversee the Sophomore College while Cally Chenault has moved to the upper-class area. We are thrilled to be at full-staff in Residential Life and for residents to work with these new and returning staff members.