When I tell people of my phobia, Catapedaphobia, they often dismiss it. But when I find someone who shares this affliction, it is akin to meeting a lost twin or a fellow Milwaukee Bucks fan. We know what it is like to be in a misunderstood minority. The phobia is that one fears he or she will inexplicably jump from a high place against his or her own will. I KNOW! Why would you jump from a place you were afraid of falling from? I DON'T KNOW! If it was rational it wouldn't be a phobia, it would just be a fear, like getting in trouble for not cleaning out the lint filter of the dryer. I only have this phobia in open spaces: on a ferris wheel, in the tower, and on those creepy hotel walkways that are 20 stories up and open to the inside of the building.
People on campus were excited to see the huge crane that towered over the tower (ToT, as we call it in the profession). It's like seeing fire trucks or Eva Longoria. Even so, some poor guys were up in the basket (sounds secure) to do the repairs, which I just can't fathom. This all begs the questions: Why do we need to re-paint a roof that we need a crane to see? And, did they change the light bulb when they were up there? (They didn't.)
The Trinity tower had just been a plain old tower for some time until someone decided to light it at night, I think, as a beacon of higher education to the San Antonio community. (The then President flipped a ceremonial switch and there was a lag between that and when the electrician flipped the real switch, which is my lasting memory of the night of the first lighting.) I like to think of this era as Tower 2.0. Problem was, when students then wanted to participate in astronomy lab from the adjacent academic building, the tower lights obscured the view. So when the tower is not lit at night the community can rest peacefully, knowing some Trinity students are on a rooftop studying stars. Or something else. At least this time, astronomy won.
Typically, the students are allowed in the tower twice: When they arrive as new students, and right before they graduate. The Trinity President awaits students at the top to shake their hands. I hate these tower climbs. I am always worried, because of my phobia, that someone forgot to screw in the grates properly and some clusters of students will fall out of the t

The University purchased a GO SPURS GO banner, a San Antonio tradition, about five years ago to proudly display from the tower during playoff time. I love this banner, which ushered in the 3.0 tower era. If all goes well this fall, that era will include holiday lights on the tower to reflect our seasonal spirit outward to the San Antonio community. I suppose this commercialization of the tower could be met with skepticism. But I think you have to sometimes draw attention to your best features -- and the expanded use of the tower gives us that opportunity. If you've got it, flaunt it. Just don't worry about jumping off it.
This video doesn't enhance the story. I just wanted to see if I could embed it!