As background, the 2001 Quality of Student Life Task Force recommended that the University have a pub on campus as a social space for students, faculty, and staff to gather. Everyone likes that in theory. I like that we have this space and that we serve beer and wine on campus. It reinforces our message that we are not opposed to lawful and responsible alcohol use. Also, by having this facility we don't have the fight. That fight was often the panacea students imagined when invoking the memory of the former Rathskeller at the same location. That was a true pub and was closed around the time the drinking age changed.
Despite efforts by ARAMARK and Student Affairs to try different things and to market the Tigers' Den it has never met the expectations envisioned. One of the reasons is obvious: alcohol is not served to a majority of our students, who happen to be underage. When alcohol is more freely accessible off campus and in dorm rooms, why would underage students choose to go to the Tigers' Den?
At Sewanee they have a very successful pub but it is THE only game in town on most nights. (Sewanee is isolated in a remote location in Tennessee - pardon the redundancies.)
Last year Student Affairs did some preliminary investigative work and found that for underage students there is little to draw them to the spot. There is not a full kitchen there and there are not other pub-type games, entertainment, and things to draw a crowd. I should note that when this room was strictly a game room/tv room it didn't draw a crowd either. Nor did it draw a crowd when it was a coffeehouse or when it was simply a cozy, dark, comfy study room. We have "been there - done that" in this space and there is a little fatigue around turning this into a winner.
For Student Affairs this raises two issues. First, is this just a crummy location? Since the 1980's it has been poorly functioning. Second, is the idea of a campus pub (not unlike the idea of a convenience store) just a fine idea, but not good in practice. Where this goes from here is any one's guess. The solution will have to be based on student needs and desires for an attractive social gathering space on campus. While the Tigers' Den was never set up to make money, it can't continue to lose it either.
Whether a pub, a coffee shop that also serves beer and wine, or a restaurant-type facility, the Tigers' Den could be a campus jewel. Losing the opportunity to make it a viable space for students would be a shame. We probably wouldn't get it back. (Weigh in on the short poll at right.)
No! That would be a total shame!
I don't think many first-years even know there is a Tiger's Den. I stumbled upon it when I accidentally landed there while looking for a different room. I think there has been poor marketing and advertisement. Not many students know what is available there and they are hesitant to go and try out without having any prior knowledge about the place.
Nice blog Kendra! As to you, reticent, you are 100% correct. Even with marketing we didn't draw a crowd, but our student population changes and we need to constantly re-introduce this. I think we are not that sure what would draw people, but we should try.
I think the Tiger's Den is actually a pretty cool place and it should be maintained. If the Tiger's Den would take meal plan instead of just Tigerbucks it would probably be incredibly more popular.
I love the Tiger's Den, even though I'm underage and refuse to buy anything with TigerBucks when Coates is so close. But it's great to hang out in and hold events in. Maybe a combined bar/coffeehouse that took meal plan money?
I LOVE the idea of the Tiger's Den, and as a former student who was here not too long ago when it transitioned from a semi-functional coffee/event space into a full time pub, I can say that loosing it would be a shame.
I have always envisioned professors holding classes and office hours in the Den on special occasions. Think how great it would be to discuss a paper or an exam over a beer with your professor. Perhaps you need to send out some coupons and incentives to professors and encourage their attendance.
Additionally, is the pub used during the freshman orientation at all? This might be a good introduction for students. Show a film screening or something and make sure there is food.
Finally, why not highly encourage clubs and student organizations to host their events in the pub (Greek rush events, club meetings, all-campus sponsored events, etc.).
It sounds to me like TU Dining can make some changes to increase traffic. The addition of food and dine money would help later evening traffic. Also, free popcorn always helps me like a bar. :)
I am willing to start a "Save our Tiger's Den" campaign - because after all what is cooler than a beer and wine bar on campus.
p.s. They need to host some beer and wine tasting events. Those are big winners!
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